Hey Rock and Roll!!!
Just how do you categorise Rackett?
I mean, do you measure rock and rollers by their teenage acne or by their ability to wear a rather nice sports jacket?
Well, by the second measure Rackett were right up there with the best ... And by musical standards they were up there too, especially when combined with their librettist (?) Paul Muldoon, award winning poet and darling of the New York Times.
Okay, so he's not the darling of the New York Times, but they don't get everything right, do they?
Anyway, a great evening was had by all. By my estimation half of Princeton's literati were there. Actually, they laughed at the same lines I did, so I must be cleverer than I thought.
The venue, Joe's Pub is one of the best in NYC, and thus by extrapolation I suppose, one of the best anywhere. It's certainly a place to get close up and personal with whoever's on stage. But watch your sports jacket... It will get grabbed by Joe's coat Nazis for sure ...
*See my hifi / media index here.