Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Garmin Edge 605 Update

GPS has been one of the biggest contributors to my recent enjoyment of cycling.

No longer do I get home and tell Linda about the quiet roads and picturesque scenery which surprisingly abounds in central New Jersey, and not know where I've been. I can now plot every yard/metre I cycle.

I use a Garmin Edge 605. I resisted the 705's facility for heart-rate and cadence monitoring because, basically, if I feel good then that's alright with me.

However, the unit isn't without its idiosyncrasies although in this case I think it may just be an issue with GPS itself. When riding with heavy tree cover, the unit has difficulty calculating speed over the ground. This shows up particularly with last evening's ride which included the Ridge Road/Mountain Road section, at about mile11, where the trace begins to divert from the road and, I suspect, because the unit caught up with itself by the end of the road, shows a speed of nearly 80mph towards the end of that section.

I suspect heavy tree cover caused this, although it's possible there are powerlines or radio/micro-wave transmitters causing problems.

Anyone else found this?