Sunday, June 15, 2008

WWKiP Day : 14.06.2008

Yesterday was World Wide Knit in Public Day.

Linda and I trolled on down to Princeton North Shopping Center where the ladies, and some gentlemen, were occupying the bandstand and brazenly knitting away in full view of the public!!!!

So Linda dug out her current project, a knitted lace shawl, took her place amongst the knitters and spent a pleasant hour en tricoteuse (?) and chatting about fibre to her's and everybody else's heart's content.

And you just never know ... I bumped into a lady who was born in the same hospital in Devonport, Plymouth, Devon, UK, as me, and someone else whose husband made frequent trips to Cheltenham ;-) ... small world, huh?

Further conversation only went on to confirm my view of Plymouth as the world's biggest village.

See Linda's take on WWKiP Day here.